Vintage Polo Sport Red Nylon Strapback

Vintage 90s Polo Sport Red Nylon strapback
Vintage 90s Polo Sport Red Nylon strapback
Vintage 90s Polo Sport Red Nylon strapback
Vintage 90s Polo Sport Red Nylon strapback
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Vintage Polo Sport Red Nylon Strapback


-Good condition

Vintage 90s Polo Sport Red Nylon strapback. A lot of brands have produced 90s designs for their current collections, some good some not so good. The one thing that not one brand got right is the hats (Besides Supreme). The 90s shape and materials are not even close for all these designers. This is a great example of something RL wont re-release anyway most likely and it wont be anything close to this if they did.

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